Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday is a day of rest...

... for someone. Not us.

At 10am I was back at Eastside rentals to rent a machine for pulling up the parquet floor. They had this device that looked like a lawnmover except the business end was a flat blade that vibrated. You dig this blade under the flooring it it pops up like magic.

Now, actually, it does work pretty good, but it is not easy. You are essentially holding the reigns of a wild bull that wants to get away from you and remove more than the floor. It also vibrates the user with a vigor usually reserved for subwoofer cones. I spent 6 hours with this beast of a machine, and even thought I was wearing gloves, I still have blisters on my hands, my muscles ache, and the parquet floor is... gone. Well, almost. There is a small part of the floor that is on plywood subfloor instead of concrete. The machine ate the subfloor like candy, so I had to stop and will hand chisel those peices. Thankfully, it is only about 10 square feet, so I should be able to get it done in an evening.

Once that floor is off, I am essentially DONE with demolition for the initial phase of the remodel. I will still need to remove the front door when the new one comes in, but that is tiny.

Jen, as usual, spent the entire day painting. It's a big house.

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