Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Various and a delay

I signed a contract to have geothermal heating put in. For those who don't understand how it works, look here:

The net result is that we can get rid of the oil burning furnace. We will still use electrcity for the heat pump, but very little. Warm floors in the winter, cool floors in the summer. Joy!

Electrician got home theatre room wired up and City of Bellevue inspected. I spent the evening pulling speaker wire. I bought 200 feet and I need 205 feet. D'oh! So I have 6 of the 7 speaker channels wired, and still need to get the subwoofer in and the hdmi in wall in.

Jen did not paint! Instead, she pulled off baseboard everywhere that the concrete grinder people will be working so they dont have to worry about it. She also helped me unload a pile of drywall from the truck.

I removed the last of the parquet floor tiles from the wood subfloor. Really chewed up the subfloor, so I am having an expert come in to repair it before we get ready to lay down tile in the kitchen.

The home theatre is behind schedule. I need to do more framing, a fan needs to be installed, and I need to wrap up the wiring. Drywall will probably get put up on sunday, but mudding and taping will have to wait until next weeked. This means I had to move the carpet and suspended ceiling installations a week, so move-in is now a week later.

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